Duel for Franchise

Snaky Betrayal


Fast forward a bit. The ‘Desert of the Dry Dragons’ as seen in the map is actually a lab, or experimental zone, handed over to the foreign investor as part of a pseudo-scientific franchise, covering up interests of MONEY AND DOMINATION.

Some shady character from Snake Planet, whose real name is Poison Snakes, masqueraded as a rich and generous Poison Snakesinvestor named Yorgenhooder. He stole the patent of the gland with all of its secrets and trademarks, and on top of it all sent the inventor and all his relatives and staff to their doom.

As soon as they handed over to him the complete documentation of their technology and patent registration, the prototype of the gland and its programming station, Snakes put them on a space yacht as a bonus trip to “somewhere nice and warm.”

The yacht was a spacious and automatic spacecraft with all space yachtthe amenities: Jacuzzi and gym, cozy home cinema, veggie greenhouse, a real joy. Other than the Professor’s grumpy and suspicious frown, the whole bunch boarded the space yacht with an expression of victory all over their faces. That same afternoon, they sealed the doors and were launched into deep space. They ate popcorn and watched a couple of movies, then went to check out their fancy bedrooms.

Sky Lukewalker glanced at his watch. It wasn’t midnight yet. He was sitting in the cockpit, watching the dark space and feeling like King of The Universe.

Little did he know, because Sky was sitting in a fancy death trap...

According to Snakes’ orders, the space yacht was programmed for a one way trip – to the Sun! The command bridge seemed all active, so you could always switch to manual flight, brake and change course at any given moment. Or could you?

This type of space yacht has two driving mechanisms:

(1) EIGHT POWERFUL DRIVE ENGINES, for moving in any direction you like. They were operational and in perfect order. However, what Lukewalker didn’t know, was that Snakes totally drained their fuel tanks. Launching into space was done by the launching platform itself, so the craft had not even a droplet of energy to self propel in any direction – or even change course…

(2) It also had MAGNETIC BRAKES, useful only for landing. Very strong brakes that could be activated at a considerable distance from the landing surface. Operational; active; all fine. Only what? Activating these brakes before approaching the Sun will only get them fried more slowly…

“YES!!!”  said the snake.

Now that he got rid of any holders of intellectual property for the invention at hand, Snakes could become its king-nominated ‘Supervisor’ – with treacherous intentions to continue and profit from the “gland” patent. This he would do by implanting – in its central command computer – a piece of software to turn all its supervised bodies into soldiers or slaves with no willpower of their own. Such who will be willing to die for any worthless or unscrupulous mission.

It should be noted about Gay Kucken that this particular “King” is not interested in financial profits and not even (positive and orderly) control. Because he’s got enough of those, if you ask him. His sole interest is domination:  always come out right and prove the other guy wrong. Snakes knows it well and creates a devious scheme in which the King would give him an exclusive franchise after beating him in a hologram duel. That is, of course, the King would have to beat Snakes, not the other way around. Gay Kucken would then be satisfied enough to sign his franchise. “But not before he'd leech a million questions on my head,” thinks the snake.

Billy G.

To be on the safe side, Snakes puts his own programmer in position near the King. The most nerdy programmer in the Galaxy: pale, skinny, square-pattern shirt and granny spectacles hanging on his red-freckled nose. His name is Billy G. or as his college buddies used to call him: micro-soft. After a micro and soft organ in his body (or so they claimed). Billy G. has clear orders from Snakes – and a threat over his micro-soft if he failed.


Gaming for Franchise: KING vs. SNAKE

Poison Snakes calls Gay Kucken to a gaming challenge: Snakes may win privileges to develop and market the gland, if he could beat the King in a holographic duel. Kucken, a fanatic gaming addict, takes the challenge!

The holographic fight between the King and Snakes will be conducted in the old Hologram Room, located in the famous space station Mirtz-13 (that was before the construction of the "Zone" and its Hologram Generator shown on the map).


Billy G. spreads a rumor around, saying that Poison Snakes cannot be beaten in holographic gaming. As predicted, the King gets furiously mad, calls Billy and demands that he changes the programming of the Hologram Room so that HE would win for certain. Billy pretends to be a geek pushed to a corner and “can’t promise.”

Billy even asks the King, if His Highness would please grant him a little side project: a hologram that turns his micro-soft into a tiger. “Maybe this would convince me,” he nasalizes through his red nose. The King is furious and shoots Billy (the Kid) with a long-nose gun. Billy (the Kid) is lying on the floor, bleeding to…  no, no, my mistake. Luckily for Billy it was just a toy gun. So he gets off the floor with a silly look on his face. The King is still boiling mad and plans to throw a large marijuana pot at Billy’s head. Suddenly, he cracks up into uncontrollable laughter, throws the pot to the floor, and continues to laugh and roll on his royal sofa.


“What did you say? You want to turn what into a tiger? Hahaha well well alright, you got away with it this time. Hahaha (chuckle chuckle) OK but beware if you screw up: your micro-soft will become dessert for my next lunch!”

Billy changes the Hologram Room software to give a clear advantage to the King. So far everything moving as planned.


Show time!! Snakes arrives at Mirtz-13 station to engage in gaming. He enters the Hologram Room and sees in front of him the hologram representing the King. As far as Snakes is concerned, this duel is a real fight for survival, not imaginary at all. His problem is: during the game he must plan his steps to let the King win eventually. But his distorted self-importance makes it very hard on him to let anybody else win, not even by a bit. On one hand he must make it a little hard on Gay Kucken so as to give him a fair challenge – and on the other hand give him the winner’s satisfaction– and all this is too hard for his snaky character. “Stressed out” doesn’t start to describe it. This dilemma is eating him alive.

But wouldn’t you do anything to dominate the Galaxy?

What Snakes does NOT know: during the entire game, actually, Kucken is too chicken to even play for real. Snakes is playing against the computer, according to the King’s specific orders to Billy G. And Billy did not report this to his boss, Snakes, for a simple reason: he is aware of the poor computing power of the lousy computer. “What’ya talking about, this is a computer for kindergarten,” so said Billy to the King and got the back of his head rewarded with a Double-Whacker from Gay Kucken.

And what’s worse, during the entire game the annoying King stands behind Billy and drives him berserk. Billy, who’s dripping sweat in the tiny control room and types like mad on the computer’s three keyboards, is doing his best to maneuver between the King of Leeches watching over his shoulder, the insanely nervous Snakes in the Hologram Room, and the  moronic computer itself.

The game ends 188:172 to Gay Kucken. Poison Snakes comes out exhausted (mainly due to his crushed honor) and finds the King lounging in the waiting room, all relaxed and light faced.

“Something here very very suspicious,” he ponders, “But I don’t care, just want him to sign the bloody franchise and go to hell. Him and his stinking holograms! It’s been years since they cleaned that room, or is it the hologram itself that stinks? I didn’t know they could make computerized stink…”

Snakes, still huffing and puffing, goes without a word to his briefcase, takes out the franchise forms and hands them over to the King. He sits down near Kucken, lowers his eyes and prepares himself for a shower of annoying questions. After a long moment of rustling papers the document appears in his field of vision.

“Take it,” says Gay Kucken.

“But hey...” Snakes lifts his eyes, “What is it? You promised that after the hologram duel you’ll consider my franchise request.”

“Go your way, Snakes, the document is signed.”

“Serious? Did you read the small print? I get 25 millions Credits and a free franchise to develop the---”

“Snakes!!!” the King interrupts him abruptly, “Don’t bother me with the details. Go play with your patent. Just don’t forget to tell your grandsons who beat in holographic duel the unbeatable snake, IS THAT CLEAR?!”


van gogue

Walls of Clay: Who is the real enemy?

Copyrights © 2001-2013
Ozzie Freedom