Technology Heist

Where Billy G. Steals an Operating System and Gets another Whacker

When opportunity knocks, opportunists grab it. Some opportunists are honest people while some are villains like you know who. Part of Poison Snakes’ plan is to have a Hologram Generator, just like the one they had in the Royal Space Station. Naturally, it would serve his own devious purposes.

However, being an instrument of grand capabilities beyond the grasp of the common man, one needed to get a license for such a machine.

SnakeNow that you know Mr. Snakes – would he by any chance walk the straight line and simply ASK for a license? Yea right!

On his last night at the space station, Billy G. copied the entire operating system of Mirtz-13 Hologram Generator into his pocket disk. An operating system that had been developed with much sweat by the software house Royal Galactic Systems Incorporated and installed in Mirtz-13 computers as a trial. Free of charge for the King, of course. They were willing to absorb a loss on him, as long as they could get feedback and fame (telling their potential customers that they’ve got software on board a Royal facility). The possibility of the entire system getting into the hands of galactic criminals was not taken into consideration.

Billy erased the developers’ name written inside the system, and wrote this instead: “Developed by Billy G. in Imperial Year 113,580.” He performed several other cosmetic changes to cover up the theft.

Billy and Snakes traveled to a shop named Imaging Machines Depot, actually a wholesale store (for original equipment manufacturers) selling 3D graphics computers.

Mister you know whoThere, Snakes posed as the owner of a legal drug factory and showed a fake license. In Mirtz-13 offices, Billy had photocopied one of the space station’s own licenses, and then changed the names.

He also changed the models; the original license was given for a small PZ-90 computer and Billy changed it to say PZ-900. That’s the super computer they would need in order to construct a fast and sophisticated Hologram Generator, illegal of course, and that’s also where Billy would install the stolen operating system.


The immense physical dimensions of the PZ-900 would require several floors in the planned “Zone” of the experiment site, but who cares… The Royal budget absorbs everything. Poison Snakes got Gay Kucken to sign a credit form for 25 million Galactic Credits, but then he added 2 zeros to the form and told the worried Billy:

“Let’s see if this Kucken finds out – I’ll sting his Mamma’s ass! Ha hah ha! Learn, Billy, learn. Stop being such a nerd or I’ll sting your micro-soft in a jiffy. Huaaah!! Hah ah ah ah!”


Billy gets startled by a Triple-Whoopee-Whacker and swings up and down like a spring-loaded boxing ball.


Walls of Clay: Who is
                  the real enemy?

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Ozzie Freedom