
Dwarf Orders a New Computer

When both sides are setting up to continue the struggle, each group prepares the best they know.

In the spycraft the mainframe computer has been ruined and they were left with primitive backup equipment, mostly manually operated. Yet their spying capabilities are still high, at least as reconnaissance and gathering information are concerned. Temporally they must send the collected data to be processed in a remote space station.

Dwarf (the Chief Commander of the Golden-Eye) orders a new mainframe computer by phone, since the computerized Order Form prepared by Jeremy the genius programmer got buried along with the dead computer that he has created.

Dwarf, to Snakes on the video-telephone: "The new computer will arrive in two months. It will take, by the book, 20 blinks to install and get it working. But in actuality it will take three more months to order the missing things (and you bet ya there will be missing items) and then we will have to debug all the malfunctions and code errors. At large, take six months till the operation is ticking again. But what's the hurry? The entire Galaxy is at you feet and the Royal Credit flows down like fresh butter on a hot summer day."

"You gonna get very far, you," Snakes smiles his narrow smile at Dwarf and shuts off the video phone. "VERY FAR, further than you can imagine!" he viciously sneers to himself .

The rebels feel they have no choice but to assume that ALL their actions are being monitored. Which leaves only SPEED to protect them. SPEED IS THE SECRET OF POWER, as once defined by the Chief of Police, who has leaned it from Joshua Gadgets, who in turn learned it from a sharp little girl called Ma-Tilda, who had learned it from a good friend she calls God...



Walls of Clay:
                    Who is the real enemy?

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Ozzie Freedom